Well, I had a nice letter all written out and I was just doing some spelling changes and my computer shut off. Apart, it’s been a little bit of a stressful day I will try to be really quick.
The coolest thing that happened this week was that we went with Pati, (the girl that was baptized last week). We went with her on Tuesday and it was fun to see the look in her eyes. It’s the little glint that makes us different. We had a really powerful lesson and we asked who else she wanted to feel what she was feeling. She immediately said that she wanted her sister to feel what she was feeling. It was cool to see her desires to share the gospel. We were leaving and her sister just happened to be coming back from shopping or something like that. It was another cool lesson. I loved it. Apart from that we are teaching her uncle too. On Saturday we really let him have it. We talked and I finished saying something like, “really you don’t want a life free of addictions? Really you don’t want to be happier than you have ever been? Really, don’t you want everything that you have ever done to be erased? Really?” I remember that he felt like I dominated the lesson. Then my companion piped up and let him have it from the other side. It was super powerful. We came out feeling super energized.
Apart from that Friday was a really cool day too. We had 5 little opportunities to help other people through small acts of service. We came back to one of the houses later and we found a guy that had already drank a few beers. We helped him to see what was going on in life. I remember asking him, why he drank and he said because he said he felt sad. I later asked why he felt sad and he said that that was a good question. His name is Sindulfo and something interesting about him is that his two front teeth have metal stars on them. From what or why I have no idea.
Well I have to go or else it’s going to make everything else late. I had this typed out in the other letter and I really like it a lot so I want to write it on this letter too. I know that Jesus is the Christ. I know that His church was established, but after his death, fell. I know that this same church was restored through the prophet Joseph Smith. I know that he (Joseph Smith) was a prophet because I have read the Book of Mormon and I know that it is true. I know that no man could write it if it was not called of God. That is how I know that this is the only true church on the face of the earth. I have been taught and revealed this by the power of God. And the coolest part about all of this is that I know that whosoever desires to know these things with real intent can by this same power. For those of you, who are not familiar with this power, welcome to the Holy Ghost. It is the most important part of my service. While reading these emails for the past few months I have tried to put in a little message. Every time you have read this paragraph at the end, you have felt something, almost like you could breathe a little bit more. And you liked it. It was something that you enjoyed. This is the Holy Ghost testifying that my words are true. In these next few months that are left, read these last paragraphs and look for these feelings. I know that you will find them. For those of you who have questions I’ll see you in a few months.
Con Amor,
Elder Mackay
The pictures are the baptism of Pati last week, along with Elder Garcia, the church building in Play del Carmen and Pati's family.
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