This week has been full of ups and downs. The ups are that we had a baptism! (That was also the cause for a lot of headache). It was Sunday at about 1:30 (scheduled to start at 1). It was two kids from Telchaquillo that just basically said, “Hey missionaries, baptize me!” The blessings of doing what you’re suppose to I’d guess. They had a lot of faith in us though. They were super excited though. During the program I talked on the importance of baptism and then my companion talked about persevering until the end. Then one of the sisters from Telchaquillo bore her testimony. It was really strong. Next was a little problem with the water. We had the water in there before all set up. The younger kid just barely turned eight and is way short. He comes up about to my waist (going to include pictures). The water would have been about up to his neck if we just put him in on his own and we couldn’t pump out any water because the pump is broken. So we put a little chair in there for him to stand on. He wasn’t too confident about walking out to the chair on his own so I put the chair down and carried him out to it. (Just a little side note: That little kid is a way cool little kid. Even though he doesn’t understand everything, he knows that this is what Heavenly Father wants of him. During the program he was teaching his dad how to sing, “I am a Child of God”. That was one of the songs that I helped him to sing one time. Take a picture with your heart). Any way, then was the older boy. Just before the baptism he was looking at his parents on the front row like, “Come on guys get in here already.” He is twelve and is super grown up for his age. The next Sunday I’m going to go to Telchaquillo for their confirmations.
The other big thing that is progressing right now is Maria de Jesus and her family. She did have a problem with the Law of Chastity to start out with (three weeks ago or so, I don’t remember if I’ve ever written about her before). She was living with her boyfriend who was sealed to someone before in the temple. And now the boyfriend is living in a different house but later they are going to get married. The mom (Maria de Jesus) also has a daughter and they basically knew everything already. We just taught a little bit more and secured a few things. They are going to get baptized this week on Wednesday because it’s the mom’s birthday that day. That makes things a little bit special. Also we didn’t know before but she has another daughter. We had the first lesson with her on Thursday and we explained the restoration. Friday we read the first chapter in the Book of Mormon together. That night we left her with the second chapter and the homework to pray to read if the book of Mormon was true. When we went back on Saturday we asked her,
“Did you read?”
“Did you pray?”
“Did you have an experience?”
(Some of the sweetest words that I have heard here in my mission) “Yes”
She went on to explain that she prayed to know if the book was true and to see if she had enough faith to make a sacrifice like this family did. She couldn’t describe how she felt but she knows that the book is true. She has a baptismal date set for the 9th of April.
Well, as for downs, they exist, but I try not to pay attention to them. They really don’t have much weight in comparison to the good times in the mission. Right now the hardest thing is finding people to teach. We’ve got a lot of work in front of us and only a few weeks to do it. It’ll be fun and interesting to see how everything plays out!
I know that this church is true, I know that because I have felt the spirit testify too many times when I’ve taught, talked or performed an ordinance in the church. I know that our Heavenly father knows our needs and knows what’s best for us. I know that because I feel his love for me and for those I teach. I have had so many experiences that have helped me to grow and it’s only the beginning. Who would have known, that a kid from the middle of no where Montana could have such experiences? Nor do I suppose that anyone would have guesses that anyone knew that a boy in Palmyra, New York would have had such an impact on the world. ¡Sigan adelante!
Con Amor y
Elder Mackay
The first ones are from the Baptism of Manuel and Leadro (kids from Telchaquillo)
The one where it’s just two is me and my dad (of the mission, Elder Brixey). It was the last day I was with him
The one with three of us is with Elder Brixey and my new companion Elder Alfaro!
The last one is the one with the millipede!
If I missed any of them well... tell me!
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